Herbal body care and tea blends that bring you into harmony and balance within yourself.
Awenin niin. Who I am.
Aandi wenjiiyaan. Where I come from.

Boozhoo! Claire ndizhinikaaz, wanibigaw ziibi zhigo oojikwe-ziibi ndoonji, makwa ndoodem. Hello! My name is Claire, I am from Hollow Water and Fisher River, I am bear clan, and I am an anishaabekwe herbalist. I want to help people find healing and self love through the plants. By remembering the wisdom of our ancestors and making them a part of our own story. I am so excited to be here with all of you on this journey.

If you are ready to ditch toxic beauty products and pharmaceuticals that disrupt your bodys natural rhythm, take responsibility for your wellbeing and bring yourself into alignment with nature, contact me for a personal consultation and to develop a treatment plan.